Why People Serve with SeedOne
SeedOne. The story behind the name of our ministry .
A few years back David, (our son that we did missions with till he moved to heaven), heard our friends who own a large dairy ranch in central California, needed help. They were in the middle of harvesting com. When the harvest is at its peak, they work night and day to get it in before the weather or something else ruins it. Because they were short of drivers, he volunteered to drive. While driving the truck past where the corn had been cut, he noticed a stock that had been missed, so decided to ask our friend just how much value one stock could have. He said one ear of corn has 13 rows of kernels, and averages a total of 700 kernels. The second generation from the planting of those kernels has nearly one half million kernels that could heavily plant 14 to 15 acres. The third generation has 500 MILLION kernels, that is enough to plant 14 to 15 thousand acres.
To sow one seed of the gospel is even of more value. The harvest is ready, there is a huge harvest out there, but harvest by nature, is seasonal. If you miss it you miss it. We need to work the fields now, before it is too late. We are praying for those who will help us work the fields by giving finances and going with us, so that Bible Schools, churches, rehab centers, can be repaired and built, so the gospel can be sowed and sprout forth. We also need lots of prayer.
When we get a Bible School repaired, enlarged or built, the people from the countries around the world can train their own. They know the language, the culture, can live on less finances, and if their country closes to the gospel, they are still there. Many times in several different countries when we get there they say, there is not enough room we have had to turn students away. The presidents have told us that is a very hard thing to do because their country needs trained workers so badly. A couple weeks later when we leave, they come with a big smile and thank us for our help, and say now we can let those students come. How sad that people have been called to minister and there isn't a place available where they can be grounded in the truths of the Word, so they can plant seed, and harvest in their country. How thrilling to be at a rehab center, see some one come in so addicted, broken, sad and then see them a short time later with a smile, completely delivered. Together we can plant the seeds and God will bring the harvest. Some plant, some water, but God brings the increase. 1 Cor. 3-6
I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! John 4.35
For 40 years we pastored in the Northern California/Nevada District of the Assemblies of God. During this time, we took a team or two overseas each year. Then God started dealing with us about resigning our church and leading trips fuil time. Now for 24 years that's what we have been doing. When Covid hit, we could not take teams overseas, so prayed about what Gods plan would be for us. He led us to help home missions churches here at home. So as soon as we were allowed to start, we did. Now for several years we have repaired, built, and added on to churches and parsonages here in United States. Through the years, God has given us a wonderful team that has a heart for missions, and are so gifted in building.
Through the years, both abroad and home, we have also asked God to help us be an encouragement to pastors, leaders, And churches. Also with Gods help, we try to help with ideas on how to reach their communities. Our team feels honored to be here helping you to get ready for the harvest he has for your community.
Stan & Julie Wagner | 916-215-1895 |
Stan and Julie Wagner
Missionaries and Directors of SeedOne Foundation